Space Colony Competition
Can you survive a mission to space? How will you keep a crew of astronauts alive and happy on a long-term mission to the Moon or Mars? Check out the details for the capstone project for Space Club students!

Volunteer to Judge
Are you a STEM professional passionate about space exploration? We would love to connect you with a Space Club team! Score projects and record a short video message with feedback and encouragement. Your insights and support mean the world to these young innovators!

Partner with Us
Join us in our mission to increase access to transformative STEM experiences! Whether sponsoring a team, joining a career chats, or donating prizes, we would love to connect with you.

Join the Competition
Submit a design for living in space! The competition is open to any elementary or middle school students. Teams are connected with real STEM professionals and compete with students around the world!
2025 Competition Details
We invite any team of up to 6 elementary or middle school students to submit their designs to the annual Space Colony Competition! Students will learn about the challenges of living in space, research and design a colony, and build a model using recycled materials. Teams are connected with real STEM professionals and compete with students around the world!

Congratulations to our 2024 participants!
Teams from around the world submitted their designs of a habitat on the Moon or Mars that can keep a crew alive and happy! STEM professionals reviewed submissions and shared personalized feedback videos for each team. We invite you to watch the award ceremony below, which features 87 participating teams from 4 countries.
2024 Stellar Teams
The Stellar rating is reserved for the most exceptional teams who impressed the judges with their solutions for engineering, mental health, and architecture components for a colony on the Moon or Mars. Click on team image to learn the school and team name.

Competition Partners
Thank you to our partnering organizations who graciously sponsored prizes for participants and supported as judges for the competition.

Become a Space Club Partner!
Support K-12 STEM education by donating prizes for the award ceremony, engaging employees as competition judges, or sponsoring a school. Contact us today to learn more!
2024 Special Award Winners
The following teams won special recognition for outstanding designs in the Space Colony Competition.
Mental Health Innovation
- Heilicher Minneapolis Jewish Day School: Swiftie Explorers
- Groesbeck ISD: The Rocky Five
- Clear Creek Middle School: Astrobandits
Engineering Innovation
- Learning Center for the Deaf: CHAMP Space Ghosts
- Browne Academy: Perseverance
- Eduprize Queen Creek: Smarties
Outstanding Model
- Browne Academy: Big Red Comets
- The Blood Moon: Viking International School
- Our Lady of Victory: Marvelous Martian
- Waltham Elementary School: Red Icicles
Top Stellar Award
- Huffman Elementary School: Epic Astros
- Our Lady of Victory: Mewing Masters